nantikn koleksi Perd plk... dh makin besar anak jantan aku yg sekor tuh... susah betul nk snap pic dia.. tersangat la AKTIF
Greta Thunberg
This is the true definition of youth voice! Kudos to you Greta Thunberg!
You are a true hero, pls ignore what the jealous adults say about you!
You’ve do...
5 years ago
Tau tak bubu ni mmg comel???? Comel gile ni. sangat odd color. suka tgk..
Anyway, u mmg suka kucing kaler pelik eh? Say asuka plain color.. rasa comei..comei..
Ieeeee.. geram!
1st time tgk Bubu dlu pon mmg sy dh jatuh hati... teringat2 sampai mimpi2... tu sbb sy sanggup trn KL amik BUBU... awk tau, birth date BUBU sama dgn saya, JODOH betul.. hehehe..
sy pon suka kaler BB awk.. dulu hampir2 nk adopt russian blue mcm BB sbb nk bg kawan dgn Bubu... last2, Mocha n Cocoa datang dlu...
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